Welcome to view the untamed files of THE UNBROKEN ARCHIVE (2013- ongoing). These files should be seen as the secretions* of an artistic practice. The archive was started because of the need to work with all of the images that is stumbled upon, created and imagined through out the research phase and simply needs to be done out of intuition.
Every file has a title based on a system of numbers where the two first numbers responds to the year the file was created and the last two defines in which order.
*Archives have been metaphorically defined as “the secretions of an organism” by Vivian Hunter Galbraith in Studies in the Public Records. London, 1948.
The Unbroken Archive: 1401
(#explosion #nightsky #astronaut)
The Unbroken Archive: 1402
(#explosion #nightsky #astronaut)
The Unbroken Archive: 1403
(#eject #stargazer)
The Unbroken Archive: 1404
(#haste #nightfall #receiving)
The Unbroken Archive: 1405
(deconstruction of file 1404)
The Unbroken Archive: 1406
(#embrace #foreplay #resistance)
The Unbroken Archive: 1301
(Red Soil 1)
The Unbroken Archive: 1302
(Red Soil 2)
The Unbroken Archive: 1303
(Red Soil 3)
The Unbroken Archive: 1304
(Red Soil 4)
The Unbroken Archive: 1305
(Red Soil 5)
The Unbroken Archive: 1306
(Red Soil 6)
The Unbroken Archive: 1307
(Red Soil 7)
The Unbroken Archive: 1308
(Red Soil 8)
The Unbroken Archive: 1309
(Red Soil 9)
The Unbroken Archive: 1310
(Le charmeur de Serpent ou Danser Nubien)