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Language as agitator

Language As Agitator (2007-ongoing) is an investigation concerning the use of words as a way of devaluation someone, often by comparing humans with non-humans or weeds. It is a teqnique that is problematic not only for humans but also for non-human animals. What does it tell us about our view of pigs, monkeys and rats if we constantly use them in a degrading way? Does someone that eats like a pig or smells like a rat truly eat like a pig and smell like a rat?

In this project, by bringing together quotes with images of the ones used in a degrading way, I investigate this behavior, a behavior that sometimes can seem innocent, but never is. 

Aquarelle pencil (Language As Agitator) 40×50 cm

Quote concerning cockroaches:

”You have to kill the Tutsis, they’re cockroaches.” 

”All those who are listening, rise so we can fight for our Rwanda. Fight with the weapons you have at your disposal: those who have arrows, with arrows, those who have spears, with spears. We must all fight.”

”We must all fight the Tutsis. We must finish with them, exterminate them, sweep them from the whole country. There must be no refuge for them.”

”They must be exterminated. There is no other way.”

Quotes from a local radio Station in Rwanda 1994.

Quote concerning lice:

”Den svenska socialdemokratin synes hittills ha betraktat dessa underliga kryp med samma trygga tolerans, varmed den sunda och kraftmedvetna styrkan gemenligen ser ned på svagheten, även den ondsint; men situationen har på sista tiden utvecklats, därhän att den aktning, partiet ovillkorligen är skyldigt sig självt, numera kräver en hygienisk åtgärd, varigenom dessa vidriga skadedjur en gång för alla distanseras.

Det är mycket bra att vara renhjärtad och storsint, men detta är ingen anledning att tolerera lus i kläderna och ännu mindre i vecken av den röda fanan.” 

Bengt Lidforss, 1905, Gula Faran

Translated by google translate as:
The Swedish social democracy seems so far to have considered these strange bugs with the same safe tolerance, whereby the healthy and power-conscious strength joint literally looks down on weakness, also the malevolent, but the situation has recently been developed, unchecked to the contempt, the party unconditionally obligated itself; now requires a hygienic measure, whereby these vile pests once and for all distanced. It is very good to be pure-hearted and magnanimous, but this is no reason to tolerate louse in clothing and even less in the folds of the red flag.

Bengt Lindforss, 1868-1913, was a “prominent Swedish socialist, and an accomplished natural scientist and writer”, quote from Wikipedia.

Quote concerning lice:

“Vi vill inte ha några bruna löss i vår gröna fana”

Centerledaren Olof Johansson, 1988

Translated by google translate as:
We do not want any brown louse in our green banner”
Centry Party Olof Johansson, 1988)

Quote concerning weeds:

“Det frø af ugræs, der er føget ind over den danske grænse – islamister og løgnere – og som med deres rundrejse til mellemøstlige lande pustede nyt og for Danmark livsfarlig ild i konflikten, skal vi nok selv tage os af.”

Citat fra et ugebrev skrevet af Pia Kjærsgaard, partiformand for Dansk Folkeparti, mandagen den 6. februar 2006.

Translated by google translate:
The seeds of weeds that has drifted over the Danish border – Islamists and liars – and with their tour of Middle Eastern countries brought new and to Denmark deadly fire in the conflict, we will surely take care of.

A quote from the Danish politican Pia Kjærsgaards, while beeing the leader of the Danish People’s Party, weekly newsletter on the 6th of february 2006)

Aquarelle pencil (Language As Agitator) 50×40 cm
Aquarelle pencil (Language As Agitator) 50×40 cm
Aquarelle pencil (Language As Agitator) 50×40 cm