Parts of About The Blank Pages is shown in the collaborative project Speaking Volumes by My Bookcase and Glasgow Women’s Library for the Glasgow International contemporary art festival. Speaking Volumes takes place at the Glasgow Women’s Library and wants to create a space where reflection on the influential role of women…
Comments closedEVAMARIE LINDAHL Posts
The project Slit, Scratch, Stuff, Stitch focusing on the life and death of Malmö Museums famous giraffe, will be on display at Stene Projects from December 10 until January 7. Most welcome! Slit, Scratch, Stuff, Stitch at Stene Projects Opening December 10, 17 –…
Comments closedThis Sunday, November 1, you are welcome to the finissage of the exhibition Slit, Scratch, Stuff, Stitch at Konstfrämjandet Skåne. At 16.00 we will take a short walk to Malmö Castle to look at the adherent exhibition We Are Reflected In Gazes Of Glass. Konstfrämjandet Skåne…
Comments closedWelcome to the opening of SAK’s yearly exhibition where the work After Lion (The Look Out) and Lion at Rest by Rosa Bonheur will be on display. Sveriges Allmänna Konstförening at Konstakademien Fredsgatan 12, Stockholm November 13 – November 15 Opening November 12, 17…
Comments closedOn the 17th of October the project How do you see? will begin, welcome! October 17 – January 8 How do you see? -we are reflected in gazes of glass, Malmö Castle, SE An addition to the natural history exhibition at…
Comments closedOld News a project by Jacob Fabricius will celebrate its 10th anniversairy at Cneai, FR. Old News have so far presented 19 issues. In issue 6 the participating artists are: 2 artists (1 Nigerian / 1 Swedish) every day during Aug…
Comments closedAbout: The Blank Pages will be opening at Kvinnohistoriskt Museum, a museum dedicated to the history of women, on saturday 13th of June. Welcome! About: The Blank Pages Kvinnohistoriskt Museum, Umeå June 13 – November 15
Comments closedWelcome to Letter From Malmö, a one-day exhibition organised by DAM PROJECTS. Works by Maj Hasager, Hans Carlson, EvaMarie Lindahl and Lisa Nyberg will be shown. The video for En uppenbarelse som måste höras will be on display together with fanzines and ephemera from the Malmö area. A documentary…
Comments closedWelcome to a conversation between comedian Klara Zimmergren, sociologist David Redmalm, artist EvaMarie Lindahl and writer Anders Mathlein on the relationship between human and non-human animals with focus on dogs, at Dunkers Kulturhus. The evening is a part of a series of talks on relationships…
Comments closedWelcome to the opening of the group exhibition Se Fyra Konstnärer at Kristianstad Konsthall where Ditte Ejlerskov is a part and where our collaborative work About: The Blank Pages will be on display. Kristianstad Konsthall April 2- March 31 Opening April 2,…
Comments closedWelcome to the release of the very first issue of Historiskan, Sweden’s first and only history magazine that focus on women. Get a free copy, listen to some music and read an interview about and see a projected version of About: The…
Comments closedWelcome to the opening of the group exhibition Den naturliga ordningen at Haninge Konsthall where the project The Human Exhibit is on display. Participating artists are Joakim Forsgren, Ingela Ihrman, Sandra Isacsson, Franco Leidi, EvaMarie Lindahl and Santiago Mostyn. Haninge Konsthall March 7 – April 26 Opening March 7 between…
Comments closedWelcome to the release of the anthology Utvägar: Feministiska allianser för en solidarisk framtid published at Ordfront Förlag in which the text Vi är aktivister, Vi är konstnärer (We are activists, We are artists), co-written together with Lisa Nyberg, is published. The book is a…
Comments closedThe Pufendorf Institute and the Research Group Exploring the Animal Turn has released the anthology Exploring the Animal Turn: Human-Animal relations in Science, Society and Culture. Phenomena such as vegansexuality, anthropomorphism, wildlife crimes, and the death of honey-bees are being discussed in the anthology. You…
Comments closedWelcome to the opening of the exhibition Syster at Borås Konstmuseum where you can see the project About: The Blank Pages on display until January 2015. Participating artists are Anna Linder, Bastion, Ditte Ejlerskov & EvaMarie Lindahl, Hanna Stenman, Kakan Hermansson, Jenny Wilson, Johanna Gustavsson, Annika Norlin, Sara Hansson, Kajsa Dahlberg, Maja Borg, Roxy Farhat, Sharon Hayes, Sisters of…
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